Partnership analysis is NOT about “FIXING” each other.
It’s about UNDERSTANDING relationship dynamics.
When we truly understand that nothing is “broken” and that there is nothing to fix in me or in the other, this analysis can completely transform your relationship. For those who are consciously aware of what you energetically create in a partnership, you will surely find that instead of trying to force the other person to “fit into a box” according to your own perceptions, beliefs, expectations, and desires, you can give the other a respectful space to be oneself.
Partnership compatibility is just a marketing game. Each partnership has its own strengths and challenges. BG5® states that with awareness, patience and respect, any combination of partners can work. Only respecting and appreciating differences makes a relationship strong. Stop for a moment – what would the world be like if everyone was like you? Wouldn’t it be so boring? Wouldn’t there be repeatability? We learn through diversity, we experience many wonderful things precisely because of diversity. This is not a bad thing. It’s all about acceptance and tolerance of yourself and others.
By understanding each other and the mechanics of the partnership, partners have the opportunity to do business/live/work together instead of blaming, shaming or fighting.
The partnership map analyzes the following codes:
1. How Each Person Operates Individually. This is an overview of the nature of each partner.
2. General theme of the Partnership. How much can be relaxed in your partnership, and how much is “work”, how much energy needs to be put into it to make it work.
3. Electromagnetic connections. Where and why attraction happens, why that “spark” lit up when you met. These are the places on your Partnership Map where either your partnership shines, or if you overstep your bounds, you can get into trouble.
4. Compromises. These are places where conflict can usually arise, as the compromising partner may try to overcompensate or unconsciously compete with their partner, may feel inadequate and disrespected by their partner, may create the feeling that the other is doing something on purpose.
5. Dominance. This is something that only one of you has. This place shows how different you are. This is where your partner “blooms” and you will notice it.
6. Fellowship. A place where you feel kinship with your partner. Here you are not competing, it is simply a place where you understand each other well.
7. Emotional dynamics. How the theme of emotionality changes when you are together. This is a very sensitive place where one can see which partner is a generator of emotional colors and which is inclined to a calm tone and what to “do” with it.
8. Communication dynamics. How the expression of the voice changes in the partnership: whose voice expression is dominant, what is potentially “imposed” on the other partner, from which partner the voice generally originates, i.e. who is a “spokesperson” in your partnership.
9. Business Roles – What is my “job” and what is not in the partnership. How to effectively distribute roles and responsibilities in activities/business.
2 consultation options are available:
1. Personal Partnership map (1-8 codes) – price 350eur, duration 2-2.5 hours.
2. Business Partnership map (codes 1-9) – price 400eur, duration ~2.5 hours.