BG5™ Career Design Report

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This personalized and automatically generated report is alternative to BG5™ Career Design Consultation and provides you with the tools to understand your unique Career Design, and fully utilize the specific gifts, talents you are here to share with the world. Learn where and how you are best designed to be successful.

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Full BG5™ Career Design Analysis report covers, in over 40 pages, the 16 Success Codes unique to your design:


  1. Career Type. What is the easiest and most natural way to utilize your energy?
  2. Personal Interaction. How do you best interact with others, with the opportunities?
  3. Decision-Making Strategy. How do you best make decisions?
  4. Key Indicators. Important signposts to keep you on track.
  5. Assimilation. How do you learn, process and integrate information?
  6. Environment Style. What work setting do you operate in best – Solo, Partnership, Groups?
  7. Defined Functions. Which functions define your consistent and reliable personal energy?
  8. Shadows/Distractions. Where are you taken off track?
  9. Public Role. Your authentic character you are designed to contribute?
  10. Life Work. What is the overall theme of your purpose in life?
  11. General Thematic. Are you focused on Empowerment, Sharing or Support?
  12. Strengths and Contributions. What are natural gifts, talents and ways of making a contribution to others?
  13. Traits and Qualities. What are the specific nuances of your design?
  14. Business Skills. What skills do you bring to the table in a small group?
  15. Business Attributes. What are the specific nuances of these Business Skills
  16. Large Business Strengths. How do you best work in a large group? P.S. the information of this success code, due to individual complex nuances, is provided partially, so a consultation may be required for a deeper clarification.


Price is 70 eur.

You will get the report via e-mail in 1-2 days after payment.


* Note!

The report
* is generated in English.
* is separate product from the Full BG5™ Career Design Analysis Consultation.
* will not tell you exactly what job is right for you. The information provided helps you to recognize where and how you can best function in the business world.
* requires reliable birth data. Your personal identifiable data are gathered, used and protected according to Privacy Policy